Grandview Point - Sunrise or sunset

Why I love it iconic cliff-edge shots, big open sky, and expansive vistas of canyon country. Grandview point is where the narrow mesa top peninsula of land ends two thousand feet above the rivers below. It’s aptly named the “Island in the Sky”. Canyonlands is the biggest National Park in Utah and Grandview Point looks down on all of it.

Avoid this spot if you don’t want to drive far! It’s about 1hr 20 mins from Moab.

Mesa Arch - Sunrise

Why I love it this is a fabulous sunrise location where you get both an arch and big canyon views. It’s the MOST POPULAR sunrise location in the entire area for a good reason. There are usually 5-20 photographers lined up right at the arch for sunrise. With that being said, we can avoid them by hiking up around the arch to get some cliff-side shots . After about 45 mins most of the photographers have the shot they were looking for and head out. The sunlight is still AMAZING and we no longer have the stress of the audience so we’ll get good pictures right at the arch.

Avoid this area if you’re already camera shy! It’s a small, tight area with tons of photographers all vying for the same spot to grab the arch at sunrise. Also, if waking up super early isn’t something you love to do this location is at least an hour from Moab!

Green River Overlook - Sunset location

Why I love it This beautiful location isn’t widely used; a Canyonlands secret! It’s west-facing which means you get that awesome perfect light all the way until sunset. Plus, you can’t beat candlestick tower in the background! This area is one of my all-time favorites.

Avoid this area if you’re on a tight schedule. It’s about an hour and ten minute drive from Moab. Also, if the forecast calls for all sun… with no shade options it’s not the best unless it’s party cloudy.